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Mandar Bokare receives 2019 ACS Graduate Student Award

American Chemical Society, Div. of Environmental Chemistry

Congratulations to Mandar Bokare, ENEN PhD Candidate. He was awarded the 2019 Graduate Student Awardee in Environmental Chemistry from the Division for Environmental Chemistry (ENVR) of the...

Posted: February 24, 2020, 12:35 PM

CBEE Faculty recognized at 2019 UMBC Inventors Luncheon

We are pleased many Chemical, Biochemical and Environmental Engineering (CBEE) faculty and research scientists were recognized at this year's UMBC Inventors Luncheon sponsors by the Office of the...

Posted: October 3, 2019, 3:40 PM

Mandar Bokare wins Honorable Mention at 2019 AAAS

Mandar Bokare wins Honorable Mentions at 2019 AAAS Student E-poster Competition in the Environment and Ecology category. Poster Title: Air-Water and Sediment-Water Transfer of PCBs in an Urban...

Posted: April 9, 2019, 11:20 AM

CBEE graduate students present at GEARS

Utsav Shashavatt wins 3MT 1st prize

Utsav Shashvatt won 1st place in the 3 Minute Thesis competition at GEARS and will be traveling to the regional competition later this year. 3MT celebrates the exciting research conducted by PhD...

Posted: April 9, 2019, 11:06 AM

Congratulations, Dr. Rao!

UMBC's 2019–2022 Presidential Research Professor

Dr. Govind Rao has been named the UMBC "Presidential Research Professor" for the upcoming three-year period! This is one of the University's very highest awards, and is tremendously well deserved....

Posted: March 22, 2019, 9:27 AM

Congratulations to Mustafa Al-Adhami!

Winner of the 3MT Competition

Congratulations to Mustafa Al-Adhami!  Mustafa is a Mechanical Engineering PhD candidate in Dr. Rao's lab.  After a series of rigorous training sessions with professional 3MT coach, Scott...

Posted: February 18, 2019, 1:11 PM

Dr. Rao and colleagues receive APA recognition

2019 Global Health Research Award

We are pleased to announce the abstract “Disposable cardboard low-cost incubator for thermoregulation of stable preterm infants - a non-inferiority trial”, co-authored by Dr. Govind Rao and team...

Posted: January 29, 2019, 1:43 PM