Research Talks: GRIT-X

GRIT-X is a series of presentations to celebrate the passion and achievements of UMBC’s alumni, faculty and graduates students, with invited speakers conveying compelling aspects of UMBC’s impact in the areas of research, scholarship and creative achievement.

Four CBEE Faculty and one CBEE alumni have presented at GRIT-X since it’s inception in 2016.


Upal Ghosh, Saving our environment from the past: A story of chemicals and fish (2021)

Greg Szeto, The Frenemy Within: Mining the Wisdom and Ignorance of our Immune System (2019)

Kafui Dzirasa, MD, PhD, ’01 chemical engineering, Next Generation Psychiatric Diagnostics and Therapeutics (2017)

Lee Blaney, Our Environment is on Drugs (2016)

Govind Rao, Inventing Tomorrow at UMBC (2016)