Congratulations, Utsav Shashvatt!
ACS Div. of Environmental Chemistry Graduate Student Award
Utsav Shashvatt, ENEN PhD Candidate in Dr. Lee Blaney's lab, was selected the recipient of the ACS Division of Environmental Chemistry Graduate Student Award.
The award recognizes graduate students who are working in areas related to environmental chemistry. The award is based on student transcripts and record of research productivity, a brief discussion of their future goals, and a letter of recommendation from the faculty advisor. The awardees receive cash and membership in the Environmental Division for one year. The awardees are publicized in EnvirofACS and Environmental Science and Technology. Up to 20 awards are given each year.
Congratulations Utsav!
Image Credit: Tim Zänkert @znkrt via Unsplash
Posted: February 24, 2021, 7:46 PM