Congratulations Dr. Blaney and Victor Fulda
UMBC faculty and staff award recipients
Two CBEE faculty and staff members were recognized at the 2022 UMBC faculty and staff awards.
Lee Blaney, associate professor of chemical, biochemical, and environmental engineering, received the 2022 USM Board of Regents Award for Excellence in Teaching. Blaney has received awards previously for exceptional mentoring and for engaging his students in high-impact research. His laboratory focuses on contaminants of emerging concern, such as compounds found in pharmaceuticals and personal care products, in waterways such as Chesapeake Bay.
Victor Fulda, engineering technician, chemical, biochemical, and environmental engineering 2021 University System of Maryland Board of Regents Award for Exceptional Contribution to the Institution or Unit to which the Person Belongs
Posted: April 11, 2022, 1:38 PM