CBEE students & faculty highlighted: USM LSAMP annual report
UMBC LSAMP 2019-2020 Annual Report
3rd Annual USM LSAMP Undergraduate Research Symposium - Poster Presentation Award Recipients
- Kendal McWilliams, CENG MS '21 (pg 16)
- Joana Hernandex, CENG MS '22 (pg 16)
Annual Biomedical Research Conference for Minority Students (ABRCMS) (Page 21)
Award Winners: Hana Flores
Major: Chemical Engineering
Topic: Structural Biology Faculty
Advisor: Dr. Michael Summers
Fall 2019 Research Fellowship Program (page 29)
- Name and Class: Makayla Headley '21
Major: Chemical Engineering
Topic: Analytical Chemistry Faculty
Mentor: Dr. Chengpeng Chen | UMBC - Name and Class: Howard Nicholson '21
Major: Chemical Engineering
Topic: Biomaterials and Tissue Engineering Faculty
Mentor: Dr. Jennie Leach | UMBC
Summer 2020 Research Fellowship Program (pg 31)
- Name and Class: Corleigh Forrester '23
Major: Chemical Engineering
Topic: Solid state materials
Faculty: Dr. Efrain Rodriguez | UMBC - Name and Class: Sydney Haywood '22
Major: Chemical Engineering
Topic: Drug Delivery to the Eye Faculty:
Dr. Erin Lavik | UMBC
Summer 2020 Research Fellowship Program (pg 32)
- Name and Class: Ouriel Ndalamba '23
Major: Chemical Engineering
Topic: Sustainability Engineering
Faculty: Dr. Lee Blaney | UMBC - Name and Class: Jameka Wiggins '21
Major: Chemical Engineering
Topic: Microbiology
Faculty: Dr. Sheldon Broedel | UMBC
Students reflect on their LSAMP experiences and its influence on the development of their its influence on the development of their personal, academic, and professional goals. (pg 33)
Joana Hernandez '22 - Chemical Engineering LSAMP has opened the door to so many LSAMP has opened the door to so many opportunities that I didn't think were possible. opportunities that I didn't think were possible. When I was a senior in high school, I had no When I was a senior in high school, I had no idea that college students could be part of a lab idea that college students could be part of a lab and do undergraduate research. Through and do undergraduate research. Through LSAMP, I was able to join the Vonhoff lab my LSAMP, I was able to join the Vonhoff lab my freshman year, and ever since, I have seen how freshman year, and ever since, I have seen how much progress I have made. The program even much progress I have made. The program even helped me go to California last fall for the helped me go to California last fall for the ABRCMS conference, which was really fun! I'm ABRCMS conference, which was really fun! I'm glad that I was able to be a part of the LSAMP glad that I was able to be a part of the LSAMP community and find a great support system. community and find a great support system.
Ndeh Tadzong '23 - Chemical Engineering I first learned about LSAMP at the USM I first learned about LSAMP at the USM LSAMP Summer Bridging Conference and I am LSAMP Summer Bridging Conference and I am grateful that I did because it set me on a grateful that I did because it set me on a great path. It has helped me stay motivated great path. It has helped me stay motivated with my school work and understand what I with my school work and understand what I want to do with my future. I have learned so want to do with my future. I have learned so much about what continued engagement in much about what continued engagement in Chemical Engineering could look like following Chemical Engineering could look like following graduation. With all this in mind, I can graduation. With all this in mind, I can confidently say I am in a better position to confidently say I am in a better position to succeed with a purpose and passion because of succeed with a purpose and passion because of my engagement with LSAMP. my engagement with LSAMP.
LSAMP Faculty Research Mentors (pg 36)
Name | Title | Department | Research Focus | University
- Dr. Lee Blaney | Associate Professor | Chemical, Biochemical, and Environmental l Sustainability Engineering | UMBC
- Dr. Erin Lavik | Professor | Chemical and Environmental Engineering | Drug Delivery to the eye | UMBC
- Dr. Jennie Leach | Associate Professor | Chemical, Biochemical, and Environmental Engineering | Biomaterials | UMBC
- Dr. Dipanjan Pan | Professor | Chemical and Environmental Engineering | Nanotechnology | UMBC
- Dr. Peng Xu | Assistant Professor | Chemical, Biochemical, and Environmental Engineering | Metabolic Engineering | UMBC
"All in all, my time in the Leach lab has allowed me to further develop and grow my skills as a researcher and engineer. Additionally, I have been able to apply chemical engineering principles that I learned in the classroom into a lab environment which gives me a deeper understanding of the material. I will be able to use these skills in any lab that I join in the future and this opportunity has also allowed me to establish strong connections with a faculty member in the department of my major." - Howard Nicholson '21 -
Posted: April 5, 2021, 10:56 AM