Undergraduate Internship: Exxonmobil
‘25 chemical engineering - traditional track
David Ni,
‘25 chemical engineering - traditional track, computer science minor
When did you do your Internship?
Summer 2024
Where was your Internship?
Exxonmobil in Clinton, New Jersey
What is the focus of your Internship?
Extracting data from multiple lab reports and looking for new insights using data analysis.
What was the best part of your Internship OR What was the biggest learning moment of your Internship ?
Best part of the internship was learning about Exxon's product line and wide career development within the company.
What advice do you have for students who are interested in getting involved in research or an internship?
Network a lot and pursue a leadership role/team-based project.
Are you a member of any clubs/campus organizations?
AIChE Senior Rep, ChemE Car Power Lead, CSA(Chinese Student Association) Treasurer
What are your goals after graduation?
Pursue a job in industry and potentially earn master's degree in the future
Learn more about David Ni:
Posted: September 25, 2024, 3:56 PM