Undergraduate Internship: Blaney Lab, UMBC
Yoonjin Cho, ‘24 Chemical Engineering
Yoonjin Cho,
‘24 chemical engineering at Chung-Ang University, South Korea
When did you do your Internship?
Summer 2023
Where was your Internship?
Blaney Lab, UMBC
What is the focus of your Internship?
We are working to develop sampling methods for certain PFAS compounds. This is necessary as governments and regulatory agencies are actively evaluating and implementing measures to restrict the use of certain PFAS compounds and set acceptable exposure limits.
Specifically, I am working on the following projects:
-Detection of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) in wastewater, and biosolids samples.
-Researching the impact of solution pH, temperature, and salt concentration on KPFAS Cl using membranes for passive sampler
What are you looking forward to the most about your Internship?
I look forward to improving my ability to read papers effectively and efficiently, as well as gaining practical experience in a laboratory setting and enhancing my data analysis skills.
What was the best part of your Internship OR What was the biggest learning moment of your Internship ?
I gave a presentation about the calibration curve and internal standard during a group meeting. At first, it was challenging to understand the concept, but through the process of looking things up in English and asking questions to team mates, it became fulfilling. Additionally, presenting in front of my colleagues in the lab pushed me out of my comfort zone.
What advice do you have for students who are interested in getting involved in research or an internship?
Use diverse sources, including not only academic papers but also platforms like YouTube and blogs, to gain an understanding of the topic you're interested in.
Take your time looking for fields you would like but don't hesitate to take action!
Are you a member of any clubs/campus organizations?
University of Maryland-Baltimore County(exchange student)
Chung-Ang University, Korea(senior majoring in chemical engineering)
What are your goals after graduation?
Pursuing master's degree
Posted: January 12, 2024, 10:56 AM