Congratulations! Jahir Antonio Batista Andrade
ACS Div. of Environmental Chemistry Certification of Merit
Jahir Antonio Batista Andrade, ENEN PhD Student, received a Certificate of Merit for his presentation at the American Chemical Society (ACS) Fall 2020 Virtual Meeting & Expo. The title of the poster was "Analysis of dissolved organic matter and contaminants of emerging concern to detect leaking sewers in urban streams". The coauthors for the poster are Erick Diaz, Ethan Hain, Ke He and Lee Blaney. Dr. Lee Blaney is Jahir's advisor.
The Certificate of Merit program recognizes Division members who are making their first ENVR presentation at an ACS national meeting. Jahir's presentation was attended by Division volunteers and judged to be of high quality in both intellectual merit and presentation style. The Division of Environmental Chemistry of the ACS believes this research actively contributes to the efforts of the Division to better understand and protect the environment.
Congratulations Jahir!
Posted: December 9, 2020, 11:40 AM