CBEE students present at at BES annual meeting
The 21st Annual Meeting of the Baltimore Ecosystem Study (BES) Long-Term Ecological Research Program took place on Wednesday and Thursday, 23-24 October in Baltimore, MD at the University of Baltimore. The Research Conference shared updates and results of project investigations with all BES collaborators, interested researchers, educators, local, state and federal agency representatives, media, and community members.
Two of Dr. Claire Welty's students presented at the conference:
- Joey Mowery (Chemical Engineering '21, Environmental Engineering and Sustainability Track) presented his first poster at the BES Annual Meeting. His poster was titled: 'Developing a workflow for stormwater modeling in older cities having missing asset data'.
- Mahdad Talebpour (Environmental Engineering Ph.D. Candidate) gave a talk on part of his PhD research, titled 'Development and testing an urban hyper-resolution fully-coupled subsurface-land surface-atmosphere model'. #UrbanHydrometeorology
Posted: November 11, 2019, 10:30 AM