Undergraduate Internship: W.R. Grace
Ethan Banks, ‘24 Chemical Engineering - Traditional Track
Ethan Banks, ‘24 Chemical Engineering - Traditional Track
When did you do your Internship?
Summer 2023
Where was your Internship?
W.R. Grace in Curtis Bay, Maryland
What is the focus of your Internship?
Correlating laboratory results to easily measured in-process variables in order to improve the efficiency of production in a specialty catalyst plant.
What are you looking forward to the most about your Internship?
Getting to learn new things in a real working environment
What was the best part of your Internship OR What was the biggest learning moment of your Internship ?
Getting to work in a manufacturing environment everyday and applying the skills learned in my classes to the real world. I really enjoyed seeing all of the unit operations and core concepts I've learned about come to life.
What advice do you have for students who are interested in getting involved in research or an internship?
Apply early and often! It can't hurt to apply to any opportunity that you may be interested in. Also, be sure to leverage your network. If you know somebody that works at a company you are interested in, don't be afraid to reach out.
Are you a member of any clubs/campus organizations?
Vice President of UMBC's student chapter of AIChE, ChemE Jeopardy Team Member, Current Teaching fellow for ENCH300, Past Teaching Fellow for ENCH225L and ENCH215, Subject Tutor for Chemical Engineering Classes at UMBC's Academic Success Center.
What are your goals after graduation?
Get a full time job in industry
Learn more about Ethan Banks:
Posted: January 12, 2024, 10:09 AM