Michael Fleming, PhD student receives Award
SREB-Doctoral Scholars Program Dissertation Year Award
Congratulations to Michael Fleming, a recipient of the Southern Regional Education Board (SREB) - Doctoral Scholars Program (DSP) Dissertation Year Award for 2022-2023. Michael is an environmental engineering doctoral candidate working with Dr. Blaney.
Michael’s doctoral research focuses on the sustainable recovery of ammonium from traditional waste streams, such as municipal wastewater and agricultural waste, by a process called Donnan dialysis.
"We're all very proud of Michael and his accomplishments, including his recognition from SREB with this prestigious award. His work on nutrient treatment and recovery addresses several grand challenges in engineering. This award will support him while he completes his PhD. I'm looking forward to seeing where his next steps take him." - Dr. Lee Blaney.
The SREB-DSP Dissertation Year Award recipients receive
- a living stipend,
- all expenses paid to attend the annual Institute on Teaching and Mentoring
- access to professional development funds to further their professional development as a doctoral candidate
- Access to academic support funding
- Participation in our online Scholar Directory
Posted: October 11, 2022, 11:59 AM