Corine Jackman Burden

Assistant Professor

Joining UMBC Spring 2025

Contact Information




B.S. Chemical Engineering – Howard University, 2013
M.S. Chemical Engineering – University of Michigan, 2019
Ph.D. Chemical Engineering – University of Michigan, 2020

Research Interests

Our research focuses on understanding how cell-cell communication interactions influence women’s health and disease, and pathogenesis in the upper respiratory tract. Our laboratory creates and implements microdroplets and other microfluidic platforms to study interactions and behavior as subcommunities and at a single-cell level. Single-cell analysis gives higher granularity for investigating heterogeneity within and between populations and on fitness of the population. Environmental cues of interest include those from other microbes, the host, pharmaceuticals, and contaminants of emerging concern. As we continue to collect data, we will build models and create technologies for preventing, diagnosing, and treating diseases.

Select Publications

Google Scholar

Jackman, C. M., Tan, J. Y., & Lin, X. N. (2023). Microdroplet-enabled high-throughput cultivation of vaginal bacteria using cervicovaginal fluids. bioRxiv, 2023-09.

Jackman, C. M., Deans, K. W., Forney, L. J., & Lin, X. N. (2019). Microdroplet co-cultivation and interaction characterization of human vaginal bacteria. Integrative Biology, 11(3), 69-78.

Saleski, T. E., Kerner, A. R., Chung, M. T., Jackman, C. M., Khasbaatar, A., Kurabayashi, K., & Lin, X. N. (2019). Syntrophic co-culture amplification of production phenotype for high-throughput screening of microbial strain libraries. Metabolic engineering, 54, 232-243.