CBEE Seminar Series
Dr. Danmeng Shuai, George Washington University
Lecture Hall 5: Engineering : 027
Date & Time
November 6, 2017, 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm
Chemical, Biochemical and Environmental Engineering
Fall 2017 Seminar
Dr. Danmeng Shuai
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
The George Washington University
"Advanced Materials for Water-Energy-Health Nexus"
Monday, November 6, 2017
12:00 PM
ENGR 027 (Lecture Hall 5), UMBC
12:00 PM
ENGR 027 (Lecture Hall 5), UMBC
Society is currently confronting serious threats to our sustainable development
including the contamination of dwindling freshwater supplies, an impending
energy crisis, and infectious disease outbreaks. Innovative materials-based
strategies have emerged as a promising platform for sustainable water treatment,
renewable energy production, and antimicrobial applications with performance
that can far exceed traditional approaches. Work presented herein will
demonstrate the promise of several novel materials-based strategies for
treatment of impaired water supplies, biofuel production, and pathogen
inactivation. For example, an emerging photocatalyst of graphitic carbon nitride
was proven highly effective for the removal of a broad spectrum of persistent
organic micropollutants and pathogens under simulated sunlight and artificial
indoor light, providing a sustainable route by which otherwise chemical pollutants
and pathogens can be destroyed with reduced energy footprint. In addition to
focusing on the fundamental science and practical engineering application of
innovative materials for water treatment, this talk will also discuss the future of
functional materials that can be translated into renewable energy production and
infectious diseases prevention.