CUERE Fall 2024 Seminar Series
Dr. Anne Jefferson, University of Vermont
CUERE Fall 2024 Seminar Series – Online Event
Date & Time
November 15, 2024, 2:00 pm – 3:00 pm
UMBC, Center for Urban Environmental Research and Education (CUERE) Fall 2024 Seminar Series is free and open to the public. It is held Fridays at 2pm. All events are virtual.
Dr. Anne Jefferson
Rubenstein School of Environment and Natural Resources, University of Vermont
“Trashy Streams: A Geomorphological Perspective”
Previous studies of anthropogenic debris in urban streams have focused largely on how surrounding land use influences debris concentrations, while neglecting the potential role of fluvial geomorphology in mediating accumulation. We collected and analyzed data from 24 stream reaches in 2 US cities to show that cross-section characteristics and bank roughness are strong predictors of debris concentrations. We also show that while small, lightweight debris (e.g., plastic) is abundant and highly mobile, large debris (e.g., shopping carts) can be stable or become buried in the bed through successive high flows.
Dr. Anne Jefferson is the Robert F. and Genevieve B. Patrick Chair of Watershed Science and Planning in the Rubenstein School of Environment and Natural Resources at the University of Vermont. She is a watershed hydrologist and geomorphologist who works where people live, work, and play. She combines data collection in the environment, with lab work, numerical modeling, and collaboration with social scientists, engineers, and ecologists, to solve interdisciplinary problems connecting water and people. Much of her group’s research focuses on urban watersheds, stormwater management, and plastic pollution. Dr. Jefferson is the Director of the Lake Champlain Sea Grant program and the Vermont Water Resources and Lake Studies Center. She is Vermont director of the Northeastern States Research Cooperative and the chair of the Board of Directors for the Consortium of Universities for the Advancement of Hydrologic Science, Inc.
More details about the Fall 2024 CUERE Seminar Series are available at: