Accelerated Program (BSMS)

Quick Checklist for BSMS students

UMBC’s Accelerated Program makes it possible to double-count up to 9 credits towards both your undergraduate and graduate coursework.

You’ll save money and time as you further your academic career. Students applying to the BSMS program are not required to take the GRE examination. Acceptance into the BSMS program does not bind you to completing a graduate degree at UMBC.

Note, select first-year students are invited to participate in Accelerated Bachelors Masters Program – Advance Admission. If you have questions about Advance Admission, please contact your academic advisor. 

Thesis, project and course-only options are available to students in the BSMS program. Course requirements in the BSMS program are the same as those listed for regular MS student. However, students in the BSMS program are allowed to count 9 credits of elective courses taken to fulfill their BS degree requirements toward the course requirements for the MS degree, provided that these courses are dual level 400/600 level courses and were taken at the 600-level.

Students in the thesis option should select a research advisor during the junior year and begin their research no later than the summer between the junior and senior years. For additional, program-specific details see the CBEE Department Graduate Handbook available on our Graduate Resources Page.

Application Requirements

  • Chemical Engineering major at UMBC (all tracks)* or UMBC student who have completed the key prerequisites courses for the ENEN MS or CENG MS program.
  • Cumulative grade point average is at least 3.0
  • Major GPA is at least 3.0

*Chemical Engineering BS students can apply to the BSMS program for Chemical and Biochemical Engineering (CENG) or Environmental Engineering (ENEN).

Application Timelines

2-3 semesters prior to Undergraduate Graduation

Apply to BSMS program

For maximum benefit of the program, student’s should apply 3 semesters prior to undergraduate graduation. This will allow student to take graduate level courses during their last two semesters of their undergraduate career. Undergraduates can still benefit if they apply two semesters prior to graduation and take graduate level courses during their last semester of their undergraduate career.

Complete the BSMS Application (now on DocuSign). The following items should be included as attachments to the DocuSign form.

  1. Unofficial UMBC Transcript (required)
  2. Resume (required – supporting document)
  3. Personal Statement (optional – highly recommended)
  4. Only enter names & email address for references. Letters of reference are not needed.

Application Deadlines

Fall admission : August 15

Spring admission :  December 15

We highly recommend applying early so you can plan your course schedule with your undergraduate advisor.

If you have any questions about the application process please email the Graduate Program Coordinator at


Apply Now

Final 1 – 2 semesters of Undergraduate Studies

Enroll in graduate level courses & Apply to Graduate School

Final semester of Undergraduate Studies

Complete application to Graduate Program via The Graduate School at UMBC’s website.

See application requirements:

Recommendation: Apply for the UMBC Alumni Scholarship, a $1,000 scholarship toward first semester graduate studies.

BSMS students are NOT graduate students until after they earn their undergraduate degree. Once students are admitted to the Graduate School and have matriculated, they must complete a Transfer of Credit form to transfer approved graduate credits taken as an undergraduate into the graduate program. Note that only the credits are transferred, not the grade.