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PHD GRADUATE ASSISTANTSHIP IN MODELING OF URBAN HYDROLOGIC SYSTEMS Description The DOE-supported Baltimore Social-Environmental Collaborative (BSEC) Integrated Field Laboratory seeks...

Posted: November 16, 2023, 10:10 AM

Meet a CBEE-er: Jasmine Ives

Student in Chemical Engineering

Meet a CBEE-er! Jasmine Ives, is a Chemical Engineering major on the Environmental Engineering and Sustainability track. Hear about why she chose UMBC, what research she is involved with, and what...

Posted: November 15, 2023, 1:19 PM

In the News: Promises of Point-of-Care Manufacturing

BioPharm International November 2023, Volume 36, Issue 11

excerpt from Considering the Promises of Point-of-Care Manufacturing ~~ Published on: November 1, 2023, Jennifer Markarian BioPharm International, BioPharm International, November 2023,...

Posted: November 15, 2023, 11:58 AM

Undergraduate Research: ATOMS lab (Dr. Josephson, PI)

John Velkey, '24 Chemical Engineering - traditional track

John Velkey,  '24 Chemical Engineering - traditional track, Mathematics minor Where was your Research? ATOMS lab with Dr. Josephson When did you start your Research? January 2023 What is...

Posted: November 14, 2023, 12:09 PM

Meet a CBEE-er: Kelsey Gray

Ph.D. Student in Chemical and Biochemical Engineering

Meet a CBEE-er! Kelsey Gray is a Ph.D. Student in Chemical and Biochemical Engineering at UMBC. Hear about why he chose UMBC, what research he's working on, and what he loves about the chemical...

Posted: November 13, 2023, 1:41 PM

Faculty Search: Tenure-Track, Assistant Professor

broad fields of biomedical or biomolecular engineering

Description The Department of Chemical, Biochemical, and Environmental Engineering (CBEE) at the University of Maryland Baltimore County (UMBC) seeks to fill a tenure-track position in the broad...

Posted: November 10, 2023, 11:30 AM

Meet a CBEE-er: Joshua Dayie

'25 Chemical Engineering - biotechnology & bioengineering

Meet a CBEE-er! Joshua Dayie is a Chemical Engineering major on the Biotechnology and Bioengineering track. Hear about why he chose UMBC, what research he's working on, and what he loves about the...

Posted: November 10, 2023, 9:26 AM

Meet a CBEE-er: Meredith Morse

'25 chemical engineering - biotechnology & bioengineering

Meet a CBEE-er! Meredith Morse is a Chemical Engineering major on the Biotechnology and Bioengineering track. Hear about why she chose UMBC, what research she's working on, and what she loves...

Posted: November 9, 2023, 1:39 PM

Congratulations Ph.D. Candidates

Congratulations to  CBEE  Ph.D. Candidates Matthew Stromberg, Jada Damond, Walker Huso, Zach Sheffield, who celebrated achieving PhD Candidacy at the Graduate School at UMBC's Candidacy Ceremony...

Posted: November 3, 2023, 2:31 PM